Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels We are hooked Here are some alarming stats. The average person spends 3 hours 15 minutes on
20 Habits To Improve Your Life
It’s a new year, so you might be thinking about New Year's Resolutions. Maybe you’ve already set some BIG goals for the year. If so, that’s great.
The Benefits Of Cold Showers: An Inconvenient Truth
Photo by John Fornander on Unsplash It’s funny how we believe the things we want to believe. For instance, when I heard that red
Habit Stacking: The secret trick for remembering to do things
Image by Willfried Wende from Pixabay Why is it so hard to remember to do things? Have you ever tried to adopt a new habit - something really
The 4-7-8 breathing technique: How to do it and why
The simple things in life are often the most important. And you would think that nothing is simpler or more important than breathing. But as it
Family Traditions And Rituals: How to build a family culture
Every family has a culture. And whether you plan it or not, your family is going to develop its own unique culture too. That’s just the way it
Tabata: The 4-minute workout for busy dads
Too busy to keep fit? I know. I know…. Being a busy dad means it’s harder to find time to exercise. But that doesn’t mean you have to surrender to
Sharpen your saw each day with a morning routine
There are few things certain in life, as the saying goes, except death and taxes. Well, I’d also like to add another item to the list of
Playing the blame game with your partner? Here’s how to break the habit
We’ve all been there, right? Not just as dads, but even before the kids arrived, as boyfriends, partners or husbands we’ve all been in a