The Archive
Below is a list of all articles ever published on The Dad Train, from newest to oldest. This does not include podcast episode posts, which are available here.
5 Tips To Boost Your Daughter’s Self-Esteem
I recently interviewed Hypnotherapist and Children’s Book Author, Stefanie Fields, for The Dad Train Podcast. You can listen to that interview here. In this guest post, Stefanie shares her top 5 tips that dads can use to help boost their daughter’s self-esteem. “Your body isn’t who you are. It’s what you’re in.” Guest post by […]
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2020 was un……. (don’t say it!)
Okay, the year is almost over, so it’s time to wrap this one up and put a bow on it. Over the past 12 months, one word I’ve seen used an unprecedented number of times is the word ‘unprecedented’. It’s actually starting to bug me! So my personal challenge is to complete the rest of […]
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The 80/20 Principle For Dads
Being a dad can be challenging. It involves wearing multiple hats, all at the same time. And sometimes, it can feel overwhelming – like there’s not enough time to get everything done. But there’s a solution. It’s called the 80/20 Rule (also known as the Pareto Principle). And once you get your head around this […]
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How To Be A Better Man, Husband and Father: 7-Steps
Being a dad is probably the most important role you will perform in your life. But it’s not the only one. And it doesn’t happen in isolation. To be a good father, you also need to be a good man and a good husband. Because our kids rarely listen to what we tell them, but […]
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Emotional Intelligence For Dads And Kids
Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a valuable skill for dads and is also something we can teach our children. Here are five ideas to help you and your kids develop emotional intelligence.
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The Dad Train Podcast is now live – check it out!
I’m super excited to announce that The Dad Train Podcast is now live. You can subscribe today on: Apple Podcasts Spotify Google Podcasts Stitcher Or you can listen to it online at What’s the show about? The Dad Train Podcast explores ideas and strategies on how to be a better man, a better partner […]
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What’s Next For The Dad Train? My public pledge
The story so far I started The Dad Train almost a year ago. Not that long after I first became a dad. What motivated me to do so, was the lack of information and resources available for dads. It started as a blog where I’ve been researching and writing about topics that are of interest […]
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Staying Stoic In A Crisis
Yes, life is tough at the moment. This COVID-19 Pandemic is bad. There’s no hiding that. It’s already had a huge impact on our lives and it’s probably going to get worse before it gets better. The economic damage, social distancing, fear and uncertainty mean that for many of us, this could be the most […]
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A Beginner’s Guide To Mindfulness
This article provides an explanation of mindfulness and shows how we can practise it in our daily lives. It also includes instructions for a short mindfulness meditation to help develop your awareness.
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The Fourth Trimester: How this concept changed my life as a new dad
“The first three months are going to be difficult” When our baby was born, amongst all the messages we received, one stood out. It was from an old friend of mine who now has two teenage children. He said: “The first 3 months are going to be difficult, but it gets easier after that.” And […]
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How To Spend Less Time On Your Phone
We hear a lot about kids spending too much time on their devices, but what about us adults? It seems that many of us may also be over-indulging. If you think this applies to you, here are five ideas that can help you spend less time on your phone.
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10 Famous Quotes About Marriage
In a few weeks, my partner Agus and I are getting married. And much like when you first have a baby, lots’ of people want to offer their advice on what makes a successful marriage. Now, I’m all for that. I mean, if you know the secret, please let me know! But rather than simply […]
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